• windows imaging download


    windows imaging download

    Name: windows imaging download
    Category: Download
    Published: osasesun1973
    Language: English
























    Nature is very good, Some shout, "Hurrah, the Lion ! See how strong 'J'liat Nature cut him out To chew up men as cattle chew the cud. Dosiiite our nolile forms and graceful ears, But many of tlio asses turned aside. The asses drew together in a crowd. Our friend the Lion to protect our cause ; Nay, more ! Our name, I'm led to understand, Especially designed to represent us." " The Lion's well," said one, " but as for me, He is an animal we all respect, His musck\'3 are ! His cLiws, how very long ! By man is made a bye-word in the land. ^ ^ 4(f w w The slightest homage to our race to pay. And as a boon this animal has sent us, I now projjose, ' The Lion.' " Hero ho bowed. Ijook at his head ! By Jingo — what a jaw ! Thoro cannot be the sh.'idow of a doubt Men, as a rule, refuse in any way That we must take some step, 'tis very clear. To guard the rights all asses hold most dear. I woulil suggest we forthwith do elect 20 LOCAL LYRICS. Ol)S(^rvo his tooth, all jaggod like a saw. Most fit and proper, with good teeth and claws.




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