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    it to your kindness, and that of Mr. ROBERT cating this little work to you, because I owe out to me as the desired patron of my sketches because there also the difficulties of the Tra- But I have a strong additional reason for dedi- gratification of experiencing, by the prudent by whom so much has been done for the pros- acts of the Government of Fort St. George Neilgherries as well as to the Falls. &~J& 513818 veller have been removed, as 1 have had the I IR SFTS DEDICATION. and description of the Falls of the Cavery, perity of the European settlement established there. of making this publication a Guide to the Neilgherry Hills, was fitly dedicated to you, ^during the tasdium of a long voyage from which I have had in completing these sketches, A similar reason would have pointed you Y / rience but a small portion of the pleasure If the Indian or English reader shall expe- during the time when you presided over it. aboriginal race, inhabiting the summit of the HERBERT CLIVE, that I have had the means




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