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    Then he revised his stock, at length, True worshippers unloved, alone. Nor does the quality astound At awful loss,' nor can I say To be Misfortune's prey and sport ? Regardiug all, 1 need not say. " No," said the noble grocer, " no ; To test its quality and strength, To gaze on nature's latest freak — The populace drew nigh in scores. " And I, despite your sneer and scoff. Was not a universal boon ; The man whose goods were not UDique. As ho who, visiting a shrine, In a most calm, judiciul way. Deny that 1 am ' selling off Jinks soon observed that round his doors And placards mournfully confessed That " Jinks's tea was not the best." His sugar, he discovered soon, The price is not ' absurdly ' low, By no means ; nothing of the sort ! But will great Virtue leave her own Humanity the woi-ld ai'ound. > 71 My goods are all to ' give away.' LOCA.L LYRICS.




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