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    On Christian mission bent And greatly to the King's delight. His artless desert child The King received him with a smile ; A willing convert found. He, all unlike his reverend pal, Between those parsons words arose, Now to M'jeejee's land there came His doctrines with becoming glee. Nay, bordered on dissent. Was fiercely evangelical — A new divine — John Gibbs by name ; Still, day by day, grew more distinct To find his sacred symbols burned — • To grow distinctly riled. It speedily occurred to him Confession found a home ; A pervert to a stranger's whim- His tendencies to Rome. And soon in that dai'k heathen he Proceeded to expound Now when good Bishop B. roturnod The Reverend John in Horid style Though when alone M'jeejee winked, From words they quickly x^assed to blows. And in a rude unpolished box From fists they came to knives ;




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    Expressed their grief in mournful knells The Christian Press received a shock ; To strive in savage, gory fray, A priest of High Church views was he. Turned Afric-wards his gaze, To try to teach King M'jeejee The error of his ways. It chanced that good old Bishop B., Seemed stricken to its base ; And Paley's works in heaps he took, The worthy Bishop said ; Till one or botb were borne away The Quiver shook ; the very Rock " I feel has got the strongest claim," At such a lack of grace. The paths he ought to tread." And soon resolved to quit his see, In forcing stalwart braves " Upon my love, I'll go at once " King M'jeejee " (the heathen's name) The Sunday Chimes and Sahbafh Bells That heathen's sinful goose to cook. And show this grievous moral dunce And so he sailed aci-oss the seas Piled high within the hold ; To premature gi-aves. With Butler's apt Analogies




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    Still, when you trace a human face And false religious zeal. It seemed this sad old nigger boy Some years ago, from Africa's strand THE ASTUTE HEATHEN. LOCAL LYRICS. Please don't let this occur again. A man whose darkened state bad hurled So for the common weal /■ Is io;ced, by duty's strangely hard And so, although, of course, I know About a savage chief, — To quit all bright siml-eheering verse, In agonies of grief. It's too late to transfer again ; The Bard has worshipped abstract truth, Most gloomy episodes. Alas ! how frequently the Hard Inexorable codes, Yet ever, from his earliest youth, The Iralk of the religious world His leisure moments would employ This tale of misplaced enterprise, He now sets forth, without disguise. A gruesome story came to hand And make bis jibbing muse rehearse




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