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    Than as a Guardian of its poor ? To dry deserving cases' tears. Emlilazoned on a bill of flame Still strives to hook your votes ? Oh Lor ! And as be gazed lie saw his Bame To catch their universal smiles. And Stickle raised his toil-worn eye " That Stickle comes with might and main lOCAL LTEICS. At length election time drew nigh, Thou ne'er hadst— ah, well !— none the less— Devoting thus a term of years Yes (though a fate to be deplored) And yet so soon. But I digress. " And is it right that one should seek, Some ray of honour and of peace. And scanned the voters' ranks and files (I here denote the placard's hue), Which shrieked out "Voters, is it true Ah! Stickle, hadst thou paused awhile. I'll be the Chairman of the Board." Urged on by motives of the most That he, with Rapine-reeking claw To try to hocus you agnin ; Ere thus thou sought' st that hoped-for smile High-minded kind, he took the post. " How can I aid my township more




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    '• The monarch's crown, the sceptred sway ; And perhaps the shrewd observer, with a knowledge-seeking brain. " For surely from a life well spent Though dreams of glory and success My time, my talents, yea, my all— " That it should now and then beguile Attend all mortals, more or loss, 31. LOCAL l.VRrCS. A modest little notice may be oftentimes descried Contented witli my present lot, In the place where lectures erstwhile reigned supreme. " I seek not," he would often say, Cluirles Stickle from the same was free i like these things yet seek thoni not. My patient labours with a smile. When placing at its beck and call " I only ask — when casting down And that my relatives should be Have a certain kind of bearing on the case. My wealth before my native town — There should reflect, to some extent, la an unusual degree. On every cousin, aunt, and niece All smiled upon in some degree. Who the reason of this circumstance would trace, May find the little incidents I've mentioned, in the main, THE PALL OF ILUMILITY.




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    Whose opinions are rigid and extreme, Induce them to provide these most improving little treats Would come forward in an open-handed way And hurl them through the window to the street. With the gentleman in question, he observed the open doors " To discover men whose philanthropic views Of the building which is truly called the " Grand." If the powerful and wealthy, casting off all selfish greed. When examined from a ' speculative height,' *' It is pleasing," murmured Johnny, when we gained the silent streets, Was strolling on New Briggate, haud-in-hand Now, it happened when the writer, who knows lords and dukes in scores, " Oh the play-house," he would murmur "is most heartrending, I ween, (Though she might have put an accent on the e). Mr. Corson made a most undoubted hit. The tap-room, and in course of time, the play." So, when advertising managers approached him with a prayer He would gaze on them with horror and would seize them by the hair. 1 beguiled him to " a hob's xvorth in the pit." To support such institutions, they would no doubt supersede For a notice, and spread treasure at his feet. Which instruct the population, yet amuse ; In a print whose circulation is unutterably wide, And, referring to its beauties in an off-hand sort of way, And from off this coign of vantage (for, of course, I've never been), In this Hall o£ Education, I (the wily writer) say, I shudder almost daily at the sight."




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    LOCAL LTBICS. 33 One popular divergence from the " right." Now, although these Indiscretions, as I think I said before, True charity would soon resume the reins. He was not a stern ascetic ; though the follies of mankind The adjective I've chosen to define the moral height, But they, my friends, were fools compared with him. *' Shun the play-house, Johnny dearest," said his good old maiden aunt, He was good in such a wonderful degree. He regarded in a charitable light, In daisy-haunted meadows, making dandelion chains, He, though driven to condemn the act, would do it in a way When a giddy, thoughtless nurse-maid, in the course of idle play,. Caused a feeling of annoyance to disturb his placid mind. After thoughtfully inviting him to tea, On select teetotal platforms, is inadequate and slight, Choked a wretched little baby with a string. Whose abilities were far from being dim, For a season, and beguiles his leisure time The spectacle is touching and sublime. Mr. Shakspeare's mental power is entitled to respect, " Better enter the ' Inferno,' like the enterprising Dante " Of the gentleman, whose face you often see (Such as murder or upsetting passing trains) Which deprived the cruel censure of its sting. In the silence of his chamber he would bitterly deplore Many mortals have existed, it is pleasant to reflect,




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    their premature fate. don't Ijelieve that the population of Great Britain will l)e any worse for (And the t'lict will bo admitted by the wise), So the Board was obliged at length (it did it with grief and pain) And wliich, I think, 'tis folly to despise ; Unrivallod meiitiil power, I don't liesitate to state THE YIETUOUS EDITOR. being children when they are young, and that's the bare truth. always been a great friend of School Boards, and I shouldn't like them to ignorant and light-hearted childhood again. One monopolises purity of soul, to think I was turning against them now), but between you and me, 1 ,S2 LOCAL LTKICS. of John), and to engage him at an enormous salary to lure the surviving And when, as an addition, to tlie liigbesL type of mind, For instance, when an editor, before whose scathing pen And between you and me (don't let it go any further you know ; because I have Shrink, shuddering, beneath his awful frown— Kings tremble, and Prime Ministers fall down ; VVTien even great town councillors, the haughtiest of men, To abandon its lofty scheme for improving our British youth ; I say, when such aa editor relinquishes the reins scholars, by dint of marbles, tops, battledore and shuttlecock, &c., back I hold the individual in whom they are combined It was driven to send for Sam (you remember Sam, he was the elder brother Has reason to be thankful on the whole. Has a toiidency, at any rate, to make a porsou great,




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