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    The bard reclined. Dark waxed his weary soitl ; And you now know why. And loathed existence, taken as a whole. Last night, Sir Edward, in liis gloomy den. With the brief and simple statement, I'm a most successful man. And the cry of " Vote for Barran " rent, at length, the startled air. (J rim Indigestion held him in its thrall, And we can't tell why." 1 don't grudge these hiunan failures the small solace of a sneer. Of the men who haven't risen, and who haven't brains to rise. You will all see why. Then the race for junior membership victoriously I ran. But this doesn't weigh upon me ; I can bear it, never fear ; And I picked up elocution at a local Sunday school. I became, you know, a councillor, an alderman, a mayor, So, farewell till next election, and I'll end as I began. And I steadily developed the resources of my mind. Tlie Bilious demon sat upon his chest. To Sir EDWARD BAINES, Kt. Thus, " Energy and Promptitude " became my golden rule. I'm a " risen " man, snobs whisper. I'm plebeian in the eyes On my legislating powers my detractors set slight store. On discovering my intellect I strove to be refined, But my friends respect and trust me, and I ask for nothing more. And my rivals murmured, " Barran seems a most successful mau. With deep dislike he viewed his fellow-men, So I clothed it, and I am to-day a most successful man.




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    By two possessions — honesty and bi'ains. But, on second thoughts, perhaps it would be better for Mr. Barrau to speak It hatu a ring of " old nobilitio " Which well might soften even Lord John Manners. And such, by mere abnormal power to blow You let tliem have it straight, and off the reel, Thus souii you elimlx'd to Rank's select resorts, Request their troops to come and do the leading. Plain people like you, Lawios, for they feel You do not use your sword in Truth's redoubt Beyond the vulgar liord of men and tanners ; Despise commanders whose extreme good-breeding Their own brass trumpets, soar above their fellows ; To cut a dozen boles for getting out. To JOHN BARRAN, Esq., M.P. The bard eschews all party — still no less And passed from kips to Councils and to Courts. He loves those traits which merit all success. Success like yours a man alone attains Without a deluge of verbose restriction. for himself, which, with your kind iiermission, he will proceed to do, after Yet would I not malign you. For although Prompts them to turn, and with benignant smile That when your mind once forms a clear conviction But " William Lawios," soon this waftod thee Sucb men alone can rule ; the rank and file To some the gods have given lungs like bellows,




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    LOCAL LYRICS. And yet the fairies, who are said to trace To struggle on, unarmed and single-handed. The while the bard, in plaintive number, sings Of hostile arms lapsed for a season, they To some cool shade, where you, in peace, may listen Upon the desert shores of Common-place ; You found yourself a tanner — not a duke. Of your career, and divers other things. A stupid oversight — by Nature's fluke, A human snowdrop peeping from the earth — ■ Employed those bards to sing a roundelay. Has lulled, at length, although your eyes still glisten They named you " Lawies." Had they wished you ill. They might have blighted you with simple " Bill." Behind the arras of a homely ))hrase. Whilst still you lay enshrined within your cradle — Man's fate ere birth, refused to leave you stranded With warlike ardour, prithee turn away Your " proper xjerson " hidden from men's gaze Cursed liy a term so bare and uncuphonious. " Bill Jackson." Ah, oiwrapped in such a name, So, now my Lawies, when yoiir wordy fray 'Tis said, by whom I know not, at your birth. Your infant jaws contained no silver ladle : You might have died a rat, like poor Polonius ; Though born a statesman, still unknown to Fame,




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    Though born a statesman, still unknown to Fame, Cursed liy a term so bare and uncuphonious. Of your career, and divers other things. You found yourself a tanner — not a duke. Whilst still you lay enshrined within your cradle — So, now my Lawies, when yoiir wordy fray " Bill Jackson." Ah, oiwrapped in such a name, A stupid oversight — by Nature's fluke, Has lulled, at length, although your eyes still glisten Man's fate ere birth, refused to leave you stranded Upon the desert shores of Common-place ; Behind the arras of a homely ))hrase. Your infant jaws contained no silver ladle : Employed those bards to sing a roundelay. To struggle on, unarmed and single-handed. The while the bard, in plaintive number, sings With warlike ardour, prithee turn away They might have blighted you with simple " Bill." And yet the fairies, who are said to trace A human snowdrop peeping from the earth — ■ LOCAL LYRICS. Of hostile arms lapsed for a season, they Your " proper xjerson " hidden from men's gaze They named you " Lawies." Had they wished you ill. You might have died a rat, like poor Polonius ; 'Tis said, by whom I know not, at your birth. To some cool shade, where you, in peace, may listen




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    To W. L. Jackson, Esq., M.P 5 To Sir Edward Baines, Kt 7 To Arclnbald A\niitliam Scarr, Esq 10 Eureka: A Fragment 17 OF CALIFORNIA JiKAUl'OllI) : CONTENTS. One Danger of Parliamentary Candidature 12 The Leeds Conservative Alderman 23 LOCAL LYEICS. AND AI,L I{Or)k'SI';r.LKI<S. OF THE UNIVERSITY " Vm?KS]III{KM.\\ " XEWSrAPP]R COMPANY, [JMITKI), LOCAL LYEICS. WJl. IIYLES AND SONS, PRINTERS, BRADFORD. The Asses, the Lion, and the Cockatoo 19 BY John Jenkins 14 To Sir George Morrison, Kt 9 Odes to Eminent Personages — H. KNIGHT. To Edward Butler, Esq 11 The Keign of Morality 21 LOS ANGELES To John Barian, Esq., M.P 6 PAGE




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