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    orial rite is not a tribute of official service ; it is an homage to ADLAI EWINQ STEVENSON 77 for this brilliant piece of work. Solely as a work of art, it is At the close of the day the sun flashes its radiance upon the to signalize the gratitude of the generation for whom he la- enson, said that he appreciated the privilege of being present worthy of a prominent place in any gallery. But the artist has REV. MARTIN D. HAKDIN'S TBIBUTE Mr. Stevenson passed, after life's blessings all enjoyed, life's lips had language ; Voice only fails. ' ' bored and whom he knew a commemorative object. This mem- the work of his life was not wholly local, but that his name is a clouds above and beyond, with all its beauty and glory, and sud- In the first place we all owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Nyholm treasure also of the state and nation, his death a common be- reavement. sociates and study, responsibility and professional activity. labors done. Bloomington, his home city, has justly thought that personal character. The citizens of Bloomington have given this rarely perfect portrait of this townsman and distinguished Rev. Martin D. Hardin, of Chicago, son-in-law of Mr. Stev- The canvas on which his face is so truthfully portrayed is denly sinks behind the western hills. Serenely to his final rest beautiful picture adds to our many causes for thanksgiving. friend, we believe your apostrophe will be: "Oh, that those generously for this grand consummation. As you stand before and the courtesy of being asked to make brief remarks. This




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    of Mr. Stevenson, said : "I am glad indeed to be here on this most interesting occa- who has past on to try the realities of another world. "Mr. Stevenson's career was eminently successful. From second highest position in the gift of the most enlightened and character of the man whom Bloomington honors. How true who will no doubt study the noble face and read in it the noble urge him forward, he climbed step by step until he reached the public library, where it may be viewed by generations to come, true greatness is integrity of character, and that without it all name without blemish and spotless in uprightness and integ- the high character and standing of my old neighbor and friend, rity." emphasizes the fact that the basis, the indispensable basis, of all name is rather to be chosen than great riches,' and his was a Hon. Joseph W. Pifer, a life-long friend and near neighbor the quotation and how it applies to Mr. Stevenson, 'A good lar fidelity and ability. Thruout his long and busy life he en- that confidence he never violated or betrayed. His whole life GOVERNOR FIFER'S REMARKS progressive people in the world. He held many places of trust joyed the confidence of the people in an unusual degree, and humble beginning, without wealthy and influential friends to paid to any man than the citizens of Bloomington today are and confidence, the duties of which he discharged with singu- sion. I am glad of this opportunity to voice my appreciation of paying? > His portrait is placed in the art department of the




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    Hon. James S. Ewing was the first speaker of the afternoon, MR. EWING SPEAKS sessed of sterling qualities and worth to the community that of which Mr. Stevenson was a member. Dr. Elliott explained 74 ADLAI EWING STEVENSON well as being a kinsman, we were always associated in our man and in himself. He made friends wherever he went, and, tin D. Hardin, each of whom spoke briefly sentiments of appre- in brief the significance of the occasion and then introduced THE PERSONAL TRIBUTES boys, went to school together, were classmates, in business to- honors his memory. He kept the faith, and fought a good fight by Rev. J. N. Elliott, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, ciation of Mr. Stevenson's life and character. most of all, he kept them, and could there be a nobler tribute The formal ceremonies of the afternoon were begun at 3 :30 never did any business whatever, great or small, that I did not Fifer, Mrs. Sarah Fitzwilliam, Mrs. M. T. Scott and Rev. Mar- everyday and business life. We lived in adjoining houses when know something of it in some way ; we always consulted each and he said in part : gether and for a quarter of a century were law partners. He one after another Hon. James S. Ewing, Governor Joseph W. ADLAI E. STEVENSON. other and exchanged confidences and suggestions. He was pos- "Mr. Stevenson and I were fast friends all of our lives. As in every respect. He kept his faith in God and the church, in




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    earthly scenes. The fall of the gavel will conclude the long and honorable terms of service of other senators, who will be borne ' ' I would do violence to my feelings if I failed to express my delay which . follows full discussion and deliberation. In my this body. Five of that number Stanford, Colquit, Vance, Stockbridge and Wilson 'shattered with the contentions of senate. The senate which was organized in 1789, at the inaug- the great hall,' full of years and of honors, have passed from time-honored parliamentary methods and the amenities which stitution had studied thoroly all former attempts at Republi- stricted right of amendment and debate, maintaining intact the power had brought popular governments to destruction. To uration of the government, abides and will continue to abide, scheme of government a value which cannot be measured by humble judgment the historic senate, preserving the unre- one and the same body, until the republic itself shall be over- 72 ADLAI EWINQ STEVENSON unfailingly secure action after deliberation, possesses in our an eminent senator now present, ' the men who framed the con- words. The senate is a perpetual body. In the terse words of guard against these dangers, they placed their chief hope in the in kind remembrance by their associates who remain. chamber during my term of office are no longer members of "Twenty-four senators who have occupied seats in this can government.' History was strewn with the wrecks of un- successful democracies. Some time usurpation of the executive thrown or time shall be no more.




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    Great evils often result from hasty legislation, rarely from the the arena of great debate. The record of four years of parlia- result of centuries of tireless effort in legislative hall, to con- body are founded deep in human experience ; that they are the at times passionate discussion. The chamber has indeed been predecessor, ' In the discharge of my official duties I have known to say the result, however salutary, will be dearly purchased have been achieved by conflict. By its rules the senate wisely "During the term just closing questions of deep import to no cause, no party, no friend. ' It has been my endeavor justly of good government the right of amendment and of debate. by a disregard or a perversion of the rules. Yet I think it safe serve, to render stable and secure the rights and liberties which the forerunner of untold evils. by a departure from the method prescribed by the senate for served, without restraint, two essentials of wise legislation and "I think I can truly say, in the words of a distinguished tion, is closed and passes now to the domain of history. its own guidance. A single instance as indicated might prove mentary struggles, of masterful debates, of important legisla- "It must not be forgotten that the rules governing this political parties and to the country have here found earnest and ' They know not what they do. ' In this chamber alone are pre- times the temptation may be strong to compass partisan ends the senate and its mode of procedure it may be truly said, to interpret and faithfully to execute the rules of the senate. At fixes the limits to its own power. Of those who clamor against




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