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    Aldcrrnan T — t — m : No matter. Let a small body of men proceed to the cave and bar his escape by placing rocks before its mouth. I myself will anti-tobacconists, and others. rarer day by day. Though from earliest dawn I and a trained pack of Enter the Dean of Slangor, accompanied hy prominent vegetarians, new quarry will be regarded as a boon. Mr. W — LI. — S: Speaking for myself and friends, I would say that as burning fiax at the entrance of his retreat, but in vain. Alderman T — T— M : But come, tell mo what has been tbe result of the hunting in the interests of morality has become to us a second nature, any interests of morality. What say you ? consistent. We must, therefore, discover some new animal to hunt in the Alderman T— T — M {with interei^t) : Ali ! and you brought liim down. detectives have beaten the surrounding coverts, we succeeded in starting one First Temperance Advocate : In truth, my liege, the quarry grows 20 LOCAL LYRICS. see to the endorsing of his licence. But now to the serious business of the sought refuge in a mountain cavern. We endeavoured to dislodge him by .small publican alone from his lair. becoming extinct. An attempt to preserve publicans would appear in- FiusT T. A.: Alas! no. With the speed of a frightened hare lie several enthusiasts, with pronounced personal prejudices and dislikes, to Alderman T — T — M : Well said. With a view to this I have invited c-hase. Do you bring fresh trophies with which to decorate our walls ':' Choru.s. address you. And see, here they come. ■day. We love the pleasures of the chase, yet our favourite game is rapidly




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    ' ' These limbs were once the pride These limbs which greet thine eye, " Know that in days gone by, As now you see 'em, Say, pale-faced scallywog, 1 n a museum — All garments failed to hide Bereft of human grace, Shaky thy spelling — Their noble graces. Of half a coimtry side, " 'Tis not that I would seek My tale in glowing page Aid me Ijy telling. Grasped by the collar. Shaking so horribly One versed in ancient Greek ; Save in an old glass case And wasted hands my coat Hear why I came incog. — Art thou a scholar ? 24 LOCAL LTKTCS. " Hear then, mortal dog, Nay, though thy grammar's weak, Finding no resting place, And to the present age, Thou canst my woes assuage,




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    THE LEEDS CONSEEYATIVE ALDEEMAN Still in thy gay robes drest ; Just as wicked and as jolly as before. With apologies to Longfellow and " The Skeleton in Armour." A morality which may be rather worse. " Speak, speak, thou fearful guest, They distributed their sin-diluted store. Of morality which hinds the sinless elf, Whence cotnes that look of care, Till I'm absolutely certain thei'e will spring not in its place And within aljout a fortnight all my protdg^s were found LOCAL LYEICS. 2B Speak, grim old party. Uprose a solemn note. And I poured a quart ofu-liislnj in the cans. Then from that ancient throat I shall hesitate in future ere I free the human race Beating thy hollow breast. On the morrow, all the milkmen went on their accustomed round. Why that dishevelled hair, That for shutting out the sunshine from hvimanity's hard road So I stole into a dairy, where the milk lay calm and white. What for that vacant stare ? From the evils which arise from liquor's curse, It had slowly dawned upon me that so strict may be the code You may back it against wickedness itself. Cheer up, my hearty."




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    LOCAL LTEICS. 21 I gazed upon the men of Leeds with bitterness and awe, A lofty scheme occurred to me, as some of you may know, This tale applies to you ; Tn seasons of great strain, I trust, my friends, you'll see To beatify my sinful fellow-man. And it is also plain, Or even yellow, as the case may be ; A Cockatoo is precious little good." StiU, my children, I may tell you how a many years ago, Were it not for this restriction, I might venture to remark That morality has always been with me But no, alas ! I fear it cannot be. years hence, and addressed to posterity. And I murmured, " I will take the lot, and, aided by the law, THE EEiaN OF MORALITY. A kind of second nature — shunning doubtful ways and dark ; Which have rendered him the envy of his time. I saw them waste in drink their hard-earned pelf ; Bat choose them for the work they've got to do. 'Tis a saddening reflection for a person who is great Supposed to he written hy a dis^tingwislied advocate of Temperance some That shy modesty forbids him on the virtues to dilate In all qualities wbieli make a man sublime, When surrounded by a small though moral clan, Don't choose your councillors because they're blue




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    Nature is very good, Some shout, "Hurrah, the Lion ! See how strong 'J'liat Nature cut him out To chew up men as cattle chew the cud. Dosiiite our nolile forms and graceful ears, But many of tlio asses turned aside. The asses drew together in a crowd. Our friend the Lion to protect our cause ; Nay, more ! Our name, I'm led to understand, Especially designed to represent us." " The Lion's well," said one, " but as for me, He is an animal we all respect, His musck\'3 are ! His cLiws, how very long ! By man is made a bye-word in the land. ^ ^ 4(f w w The slightest homage to our race to pay. And as a boon this animal has sent us, I now projjose, ' The Lion.' " Hero ho bowed. Ijook at his head ! By Jingo — what a jaw ! Thoro cannot be the sh.'idow of a doubt Men, as a rule, refuse in any way That we must take some step, 'tis very clear. To guard the rights all asses hold most dear. I woulil suggest we forthwith do elect 20 LOCAL LYRICS. Ol)S(^rvo his tooth, all jaggod like a saw. Most fit and proper, with good teeth and claws.




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