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    Our lightsome steps we trace He rules with true urbanity. tea, and the like from their premature tombs that the whole zest of Joy beams on every face, desire to be consistent, annihilated all the comforts of life. We have dis- All : Alas ! nothing — nothing whatever. have we to Uve for r* stituted, had some redeeming features. But they have vanished now. What Old Comtiioii-seiise is king, "lid, disappear.) And merrily we'll siiii,' With piirdmiahlc vanity, CllOKUS. [Exeunt omnes, singimi. Curtain. indeed, a joyful circumstance. Our enemies, instead of destroying us, have existence is gone. Let us therefore perish together. I'lected to destroy themselves. Let us now descend to the plains and resume our respective occupations. To home and glad humanity. :K) local lyrics. All: We will; we will. {All leap despairing hj over tlte precipice So merrily, &c. For freed from fad's inanity, Hunted Ones {n-hn have heard all, peeping cautioushj out) : This is, covered wheu too late to recall the providers of beefsteaks, bitters, cigars, Alderman T — T — M : Too true. We have, unfortunately, in our laudable




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    tracked me home. With difficulty I escaped them, and I am here. And endeavoured to conduct his trade secretly after it had been declared illegal Alderman T — t— m {turning and gazing half regretfullij had) : Eecit. Fai'eweU, O world, farewell, a long farewell. Weary One : No. See my beard, although streaked with premature Enter Alderman T — T — M, Mr. H — R D— v— n, Alderman W — n— e. Seeing your vices through a double glass. Weary One : I. For am I not also wretched ? But whom I snubbed full many a time and oft, A low acquaintance whom I couldn't cut. Mr. W — LL — S: Yes; perhaps, after all, the world as originally con- you ? hark ! horror ! The sound of feet. The clash of arms. Oh ! the enemy is Oil, horror ! You are not the awful Alderman himself ? »rey, is not white enough. I am a once-prosperous butcher, who rashly That I'm about to leave you. Time gone liy armed, hut advance dejectedly. Farewell, world, I feel I love you now upon us. To the caves ! To the caves ! [All hide hastibj. First Singer : Truly, you appear so. But stay. You are not a spy You were to me a disagreeable friend, But blind to all your glorious qualities, outlaws who survived the general massacre and sought refuge here. But Alderman S — R, Mr. W— LL — s, and other friends of h^mianity. TJiey are by Alderman T — t — m and Mr. W — 11— s, To-day their trained hounds First Singer : We are publicans, tea dealers, tobacconists, and other




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    Weary One : Shelter at last ! For a time my relentless pursuers are right to left as though fearing pursuit. though it were dynamite. But, hark ! I hear voices as of men singing And the gloomy bat is flying. My friends. mournfully. They draw near. I will conceal myself. Weary One [aside) : Who can they be ? Their voices contain a strange Some months have elapsed. Time — Midniylit. little shop in Kirkgate I sold beef and mutton in the open face of day. The Wretches that we are ; Wretches that we are. happy time before we were forced to smuggle meat through the streets as ring of sorrow, and see, they weep and wring their hands. {Aloud) Softly, Wretches that we are, We console ourselves by crying, And the sun sinks in the west, When the bird is in its nest, Muffled Chorus. (to he used later on) . Enter weary and tattered man, looking furtively from And how peaceful the scene ! It reminds me of the happy days when in my of the bloodhounds upon my cheek. Oh, to be safe, though only for a time ! baffled. Ah ! my escape was narrow. Even now I can feel the hot breath LOCAL LTEICS. 2f> First Singer (fremhUng) ; Friends. Wlio calls us friends ? [^Conceals himself. Scene — A rocky and desolate mountain pass. Atiful preci2nce at end Wlien the hollow wind is sighing,




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    To abjure and repel it, To regard the same as frightful, and prate of their love of humanity, and who stretch forth no hand to another enthusiast advances. To their lair ? And to track the fiends who sell it don't like them. So the Dean has a logical hold upon us. But see, Still we ouly think it rightful To their lair, iiwkward, but I'm afraid it must be done. To denounce, and curse, and cxuell it, To track the fiends who sell it Alderman T — t — M : Perfectly right. Let us be consistent above all Second Enthusiast : JTools and dolts. Empty chatterers, who prattle Will you swear All {confideniittlhj to one anofJier) : To their lair. of morality, all tea-dealers, as we would rats or publicans. It's rather to object to it, we must give it up, and swear to hunt down, in the interests To track the fiends who sell it First Temperance Advocate : Yes. It is one of our greatest remove the cancer which is eating away its very vitals ! Listen to me. To their lair. principles that men should abandon things they like because other people And to solemnly declare — things. We are all passionately fond of tea, but still, since the Dean appears Although tea is most delightful,




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    To denounce, and curse, and quell it, You can gather from his features tea has brought upon the human race. To abjure and repel it, Of all lofty moral teachers Poor fellow ! his agony is caused by long contemplation of the evils which regardless of his clerical attire, he i-olls on the floor and foams at the mouth. To announce the Dean of Slangor ; So I pray you all to swear Song. Dkan : Why I writhe in grim despair On his fair and noble brow. Now he doubles himself up as though in violent pain. Ha! and now, How he loves his fellow- creatures, To their lair. Alderman T — t — m (aside to his hand): Hist! Silence, my friends. (As you've read in all the papers) You're aware. Beat the dram with martial clangour Tea's unholy steams and vapours He's the chief, you must allow. Pray observe the Dean. See ! he gnashes his teeth and tears his silver locks. Pray observe the signs of anger Make me cut these painful capers ; Yes, yes, yes, so that, &c. LOCAL LYKICS. "27 And to track the fiends who sell it




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