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    And you are one of these— When Fancy flags, How oft before the wearied witling's eyes, At dead of night, hi his accustomed cliair, with " Frewt o' t'Bible " or with " Lucky Bags." Unconsciously, sweet inspiration throw Has framed you to amuse the human race, To low ambition, and the pride of Brown, You cheered the downcast, dried the orphan's tears. Chairman of the Leeds School Board. Awaits thee ; Come ! exert thy fertile vein. Or Smith, or Robinson, and spread yovrr wings Surely, by strict attention to the trade. And waste your genius, as I said, on drains. To EDWARD BUTLER, Esq., (As roses do their scent) on all around. Fun is your mission. Leave all meaner things And raised a burden fi'omthe widow's heart. Yet, still, though nature with the greatest pains A gentle faii-y somehow seems to rise As great Joke Causer you in time may reign. If now unconsciously you lend wit aid. You roughly hurl her favours in her face. LOCAL LYEICS. 11 In which you have not played a noble part, No pantomime has taken place for years For nobler flights. A fairer, brighter crown Their names on Fame's wide scroll are rarely found.




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    "Well ? What have you to say, sir, for yourself ? " With which you jjolish off vexed legal points That they who heard you bowed to your authority To briefly glance at thy unique career. Thus then you gained the post. The apt facility For doing justice to the Mayoral joints. To own some bit of thee, however slight. The post you ably fill, a Council elf. When I regard myself in this glad light. The Borough's oracle, the Boai-d's High Priest, Because the Queen, in pity for its dearth And even Archie let the matter pass, My sorrows fade, my restless soul grows quieter, Stands second only to your known ability Yet here let me repress pride's joyous tear To culture strange, remarked with cool barbarity, You proved by argument so free from flaw When first you sought, in youth's unchecked hilarity, And then a thrill ran through the glad community Nor set your worth at " happen awf o' t'brass." You grace alike the Council and the feast. As though your merit were a point of law ; " I've much to say," you answered. Well, my lad, You said it well. Your own superiority Of noble luds, has grasped the opportunity I'U do you justice, you were right — you bad. To add her tribute to your moral worth.




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    Of thy — forgive me — screw, and therefore, mark, Exists between us, still I pay a share " An old, old man," she murmured, " my friend, He ti'avels on , the goal grows very near. LOCAL LYEICS. Well, after all, a true, a brave career. Your various villanies should be applied ' The path of Duty ' — nearly to the end Our hands have never met, that wide disparity To Sir GEOEGE MOREISON, Kt., Town Clerk ok Leeds. Let those assist to moderate your zeal. This said — she paused— the bard is still in doubt Involved in this address, I am aware And fragrant breath beatified the place. Wlio in his boyhood saw a rough, hard way — Go, ask your conscience for a nearer view To calm your judgment when you come to deal My gentle poet, have gone wrong at times. Dear George, — Excuse the slight faniiliarity " He may have made mistakes ! Wby, even you. To some extent you're mine — my own Town Clerk. Mine ! O the bliss to be thy part proprietor ; With one ' whose failings lean to virtue's side.' " (She may have been Tobacco) and her warui His feet have traced it now, and day by day Whether she vanished, or— his pipe went out. Of your array of half-forgotten crimes,




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    (She may have been Tobacco) and her warui Mine ! O the bliss to be thy part proprietor ; Whether she vanished, or— his pipe went out. He ti'avels on , the goal grows very near. LOCAL LYEICS. And fragrant breath beatified the place. Go, ask your conscience for a nearer view Our hands have never met, that wide disparity " He may have made mistakes ! Wby, even you. My gentle poet, have gone wrong at times. To calm your judgment when you come to deal Well, after all, a true, a brave career. This said — she paused— the bard is still in doubt To some extent you're mine — my own Town Clerk. Exists between us, still I pay a share With one ' whose failings lean to virtue's side.' " Involved in this address, I am aware ' The path of Duty ' — nearly to the end Let those assist to moderate your zeal. To Sir GEOEGE MOREISON, Kt., Town Clerk ok Leeds. " An old, old man," she murmured, " my friend, Wlio in his boyhood saw a rough, hard way — Dear George, — Excuse the slight faniiliarity His feet have traced it now, and day by day Of thy — forgive me — screw, and therefore, mark, Of your array of half-forgotten crimes, Your various villanies should be applied




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    But this doesn't weigh upon me ; I can bear it, never fear ; Then the race for junior membership victoriously I ran. I'm a " risen " man, snobs whisper. I'm plebeian in the eyes On discovering my intellect I strove to be refined, To Sir EDWARD BAINES, Kt. Tlie Bilious demon sat upon his chest. 1 don't grudge these hiunan failures the small solace of a sneer. And my rivals murmured, " Barran seems a most successful mau. So, farewell till next election, and I'll end as I began. On my legislating powers my detractors set slight store. And I picked up elocution at a local Sunday school. And the cry of " Vote for Barran " rent, at length, the startled air. The bard reclined. Dark waxed his weary soitl ; You will all see why. And I steadily developed the resources of my mind. With deep dislike he viewed his fellow-men, With the brief and simple statement, I'm a most successful man. But my friends respect and trust me, and I ask for nothing more. And you now know why. (J rim Indigestion held him in its thrall, So I clothed it, and I am to-day a most successful man. And we can't tell why." I became, you know, a councillor, an alderman, a mayor, And loathed existence, taken as a whole. Of the men who haven't risen, and who haven't brains to rise. Last night, Sir Edward, in liis gloomy den. Thus, " Energy and Promptitude " became my golden rule.




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