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    Peter Cooke, P.P. 1 Robert Pilkington, Esq. 2 John Collier, Esq. 1 Captain Crossley, 13th Light Dragoons 1 John Coleman, P. P. 1 G. Pendergast, Esq. 2 Captain Cramer, 4th Regiment M.N.I. 2 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Major Crewe 2 Lieut. Rawstorne, 62d Regiment 1 Mrs. Parry 1 copies. C. Cotton, Esq. 4 W. C. Peters, Esq. 1 Rev. P. Pounden 1 Mrs. A. M. Peters 2 Lieut. Col. J. Reed, K.H. 62d Regiment 1 Lieut. D. S. Cooper, 1st Royals 1 Rev. R. Corfield 1 Mrs. Crampton 1 Rev. George Clive 1 Benjamin Cotton, Esq. 1 Lieut. R. Williamson Ramsay, 42d Regiment 1 Rev. Thomas Corfield 1 Rev. W. Clive 2 Lieut. F. Corfield, 62d Regiment 1 ' * Lieut. Raitt, 1st Regiment Bombay N.I. 1 J. H. Ridge, Esq. 1




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    Mrs. A. M. Peters 2 Lieut. F. Corfield, 62d Regiment 1 ' * Lieut. R. Williamson Ramsay, 42d Regiment 1 John Coleman, P. P. 1 John Collier, Esq. 1 W. C. Peters, Esq. 1 Rev. Thomas Corfield 1 G. Pendergast, Esq. 2 Mrs. Parry 1 copies. Lieut. Col. J. Reed, K.H. 62d Regiment 1 Major Crewe 2 Lieut. Raitt, 1st Regiment Bombay N.I. 1 C. Cotton, Esq. 4 Rev. W. Clive 2 Lieut. Rawstorne, 62d Regiment 1 Rev. R. Corfield 1 Rev. George Clive 1 Captain Crossley, 13th Light Dragoons 1 J. H. Ridge, Esq. 1 Benjamin Cotton, Esq. 1 Mrs. Crampton 1 Captain Cramer, 4th Regiment M.N.I. 2 Rev. P. Pounden 1 Peter Cooke, P.P. 1 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Lieut. D. S. Cooper, 1st Royals 1 Robert Pilkington, Esq. 2




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    Lieut. Rawstorne, 62d Regiment 1 Mrs. Parry 1 copies. Rev. P. Pounden 1 Rev. W. Clive 2 John Collier, Esq. 1 Lieut. Col. J. Reed, K.H. 62d Regiment 1 Major Crewe 2 J. H. Ridge, Esq. 1 Rev. R. Corfield 1 Peter Cooke, P.P. 1 Rev. George Clive 1 G. Pendergast, Esq. 2 Mrs. A. M. Peters 2 Lieut. F. Corfield, 62d Regiment 1 ' * Mrs. Crampton 1 John Coleman, P. P. 1 Captain Crossley, 13th Light Dragoons 1 Rev. Thomas Corfield 1 Lieut. D. S. Cooper, 1st Royals 1 Captain Cramer, 4th Regiment M.N.I. 2 Lieut. Raitt, 1st Regiment Bombay N.I. 1 Robert Pilkington, Esq. 2 Benjamin Cotton, Esq. 1 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. W. C. Peters, Esq. 1 Lieut. R. Williamson Ramsay, 42d Regiment 1 C. Cotton, Esq. 4




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    Lieut. C. Clarke, 62d Regiment 1 W. C. Peters, Esq. 1 Peter Cooke, P.P. 1 Captain Cramer, 4th Regiment M.N.I. 2 Rev. W. Clive 2 Major Crewe 2 Captain Clive 2 Captain Crossley, 13th Light Dragoons 1 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Lieut. D. S. Cooper, 1st Royals 1 Rev. George Clive 1 Rev. R. CorHeld 1 John Collier, Esq. 1 Capt. W. Campbell, 62d Regiment 1 H. Chamier, Esq. 2 Lieut. F. Corfield, 62d Regiment 1 ' * R. Clerk, Esq. 2 Mrs. Parry 1 copies. John Coleman, P. P. 1 Mrs. Crampton 1 Rev. Thomas Corfield 1 G. Pendergast, Esq. 2 Benjamin Cotton, Esq. 1 Clementson, Esq. 2 Mrs. A. M. Peters 2 R. H. Clive, Esq. 4 C. Cotton, Esq. 4




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    John Collier, Esq. 1 Lieut. F. Corfield, 62d Regiment 1 ' * Rev. George Clive 1 G. Pendergast, Esq. 2 John Coleman, P. P. 1 C. Cotton, Esq. 4 Rev. Thomas Corfield 1 W. C. Peters, Esq. 1 Mrs. A. M. Peters 2 Captain Crossley, 13th Light Dragoons 1 Major Crewe 2 H. Chamier, Esq. 2 R. Clerk, Esq. 2 Lieut. D. S. Cooper, 1st Royals 1 Benjamin Cotton, Esq. 1 Lieut. C. Clarke, 62d Regiment 1 Rev. W. Clive 2 Clementson, Esq. 2 Peter Cooke, P.P. 1 Captain Clive 2 Mrs. Parry 1 copies. Mrs. Crampton 1 Capt. W. Campbell, 62d Regiment 1 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Captain Cramer, 4th Regiment M.N.I. 2 R. H. Clive, Esq. 4 Rev. R. CorHeld 1




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